Hello folks,
A little late, but CNN has posted an article about a DHS employee who has been put on leave after he wore a "racially insensitive" costume to an after hours Halloween party (hosted by another employee). You can read about it here
So what was the guy wearing? His Birthday suit perhaps? A cowboy with a real gun he shot in the house?....Nope. He was dressed up as a guy in a prison suit.
Yep a guy in a prison suite...on Halloween... oh the outrage! Oh the AGONY! Give me a break.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention he appeared black.
Should that make a difference? I mean blacks outnumber whites in prison by a factor of 8 to 1 according to this site. You could argue he was dressing up as just the average prison inmate.
Let's say you don't agree with that, let's say the guy was just stupid. Let's say you think he's a jackass. That's just fine, everyone's entitled to their opinion. But I'm sure you can agree that getting suspended over an event that did not happen at work or on company property is just silly. Especially when the only "crime" was that some people found the costume offensive.
It's Halloween folks, people will dress up. Don't like it? Don't invite the guy to your party.
Another example of overboard "Political Correctness" NOT TOMLAND APPROVED