But we only care about 33 of them.
As I'm sure you've all read, a student shot and killed 32 fellow classmates yesterday. If you haven't read about it you can do so here. At one point CNN mentioned it was the worst shooting in US history. Actually that's not correct, check out what happened in 1812
But that's irrelevant to this article. I agree the shooting was a horrible act and my condolences go out to the families of the victims.
However, this got me thinking... how many people die every day? I mean, there are billions of people in the world, there must be a lot of folks dying each day that I don't know about, or care about. Turns out there are.
According to the census bureau one person dies every 1.8 seconds, giving a daily global death rate of roughly 150,000 people a day. You can read a little about that here. Of course big media can't give time to that many people every day, but today I will... Folks please take a second to think about the fact that a whole lot of people died every day, probably a good 10 people while you were reading this article.... On the plus side, about 4.1 people are born every second giving a daily birth rate of over 340,000
Death, not very fun but an important part of life. Tomland has mixed feelings on this one, and had to create a new neutral icon for it.
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