I was trolling the CBSnews website when an article jumped out at me. It's titled "Corpse Wheeled To Store to Cash Check" Apparently someone died of natural causes and his "friends" finding him dead, decided to wheel his body to the nearest check cashing place.
Then attempted to cash his social security check by leaving the body in a chair right outside the window and pointing out to the clerk that the guy in the chair is the owner of the check... it didn't work.
In hindsight you'd think these people must be completly idiodic to think this would work. Of course you have to give them credit for coming up with such a "unique" idea in the first place. I'm going with an IQ of 95. Makes me wonder about exactly what the 100 average IQ gets you these days.... The sad thing is that if the guy behind the check cashing window was also at a sub 100 IQ (which is very possible for the low wage these guys can pay) it might have been crazy enough to work. Tomland neutral on this one.
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