So, my name is Tom (Tomas actually. For the longest time the wife's been saying that I live in a place called Tomland where everything goes my way. If things are good they're "tomland approved" if things suck they're NOT tomland approved.
She jokingly mentioned that I should make a blog called Tomland and write stuff on it, if I thought the topic was good we'd put a smiley face next to it, if not we'd use a Mr. Yuck sticker....
We'll I've done one better I've got modified Mr Yuck and Mr. Smiley stick figures. Not more then once per day I'll post about a new topic, whatever strikes me that day....To the side of every entry I'll add one or the other so you can quickly see if the particular topic is Tomland Approved.
In what I hear is typical Tomland fashion, I'm starting this post with Mr. Yuck... why you ask? Isn't the blog great? Isn't this the germ of an idea coming to fruition? Yeah it is, but you'll see the URL is tom-land.blogspot.com and I HAD do do it that way because tomland.blogspot.com was already taken!
Someone taking MY URL? Definitely NOT Tomland approved.
Can it be that Tom's now blogging? I'm shocked, shocked, but will offer good wishes toward your new enterprise. I admit curiosity about what will unfold on TomLand, so I shall subscribe in my Google Reader and keep half an eye alert and watchful for new developments. Best!
This may be so good, I might just have to put a link to it on my blog.
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