Ugh, another Monday and another stupid writer that thinks he's doing the world a favor by defending another stupid idea. Today's article comes from the fine folks at Slate Magazine. I usually enjoy this online publication. It's full of good articles that are well written and bring up a lot of good points.
However a recent Slate article about how the US needs to phase out the paper dollar and start using a coin is misguided at best, idiotic is much more like it. Take a minute and read it here.
After spending over half the article going into the failed history of coin dollars the author starts going into "conspiracy theory" mode of how Missisipi Cotton Farmers are lobbying hard to keep the old greenback.
Get real; the push for a dollar coin comes from the bean counters who say it makes more fiscal sense to use coin; and that's true.... but the problem is that carrying around a bunch of coins in your pocket is just annyoing! Which would you rather have, 9 $1 bills folded in your pocket or 9 heavy coins jingling around everywhere you walk? Who likes coins anyway? There's a movement out there to abolish the penny. Why? Because no one likes carrying around pennys and they certainly don't like carrying around bigger and heavier dollar coins.
Contrary to what this author at Slate seems think the dollar coin was not abandoned multiple times due to lack of acceptance in private industry. It was abandoned because people who get these coins hate them. They refuse to accept them and when they are forced to take them (think of those stamp vending machines at the post office) they immeiatly find a way to turn them in and get paper $.
I'm not just talking out of my ass here; my wife worked for years in the food industry and she's seen many an irate customer with these coin dollars. She now works for a bank and the complaints are the same.
Trying to take away my paper money and replace it with coin? Are you insane? There's no way this is Tomland Approved!
1 comment:
If people prefer paper to heavy jingling coins, then they'd love it if we changed the quarter to a paper 25-cent bill.
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